everythingiCafe: the show “All Your Junk”

the musings of a geeky girl
Chris Meinck and I recorded episode 23 of the everythingiCafe podcast earlier this week and it’s now available for download via iTunes (or you can use the integrated audio player above to listen to it right here).
We talked about the latest iPhone 5 rumors, iOS app developers under fire from Lodsys over an in-app purchase mechanism patent and more.
You can find my “Teh Awesome” recommendations in the App Store and Mac App Store respectively through these links:
We record the podcast every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. EDT and it’s also broadcasted live at http://www.everythingicafe.com/live/. Chris always broadcasts video while I’m camera-shy and broadcast audio only. For now, at least.
EDIT: The embedded player I mentioned is not working. I broke it by adding an image (since removed) after creating the post. Apparently an audio tumblog post in this theme can only accommodate one media type at a time. My bad.