It’s been so long since I’ve written a blog post here! I’ve been focused on just about everything else in my life and never made the time to write new posts here. I still love tech stuff but as I get older, I value experiences over things and I’m just trying to live well and be healthy and happy as much as possible. With that said, I’m writing this because I have some major new tech in my life. After having my last car for 17 years, I finally got a new car and went full electric with a Tesla Model Y!

Murderbot waiting for me after a Starbucks run
I considered several different SUVs in my search but the big Tesla price drops earlier this year and the $7,500 federal tax credit put the Model Y in my sights and I pulled the trigger after a test drive in April. I picked it up in early June and it’s an absolute joy to drive. My last SUV was so old that it had no cameras or Bluetooth streaming and I’d chosen an option package that didn’t include GPS. My Model Y has all of this and much more and it’s delightful having all of these new features. I’ve read many complaints from those who think the Model Y still lacks a lot of features (like a 360º camera view) but coming from my last car with no cameras, any camera is a huge improvement for me. Everything is relative.
My Long Range Model Y is named Murderbot after the excellent Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells. If you like science fiction, I highly recommend it! Murderbot isn’t nearly as terrible as the name makes it sound, unless you hurt its crew. No spoilers from me but you’ll know what I mean if you read the books.
If you’re thinking of getting a Tesla or even just want to test drive one, please do so through my referral link: I get points in the program if you schedule a test drive or make a purchase. If you buy a Model Y or Model 3 through my link, you’ll get $500 off! If you buy a Model S or Model X, you’ll get $1,000 off. Tesla is also currently offering 3 months of Full Self Driving Capability in addition to these discounts on vehicle purchases. The referral program didn’t offer these incentives when I ordered my car so I didn’t get any of these benefits but you can!
If you have any questions about the Model Y, let me know in the comments.